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                      ARAD,P-TA.ARENEI (BOUL ROSU)

oliver joe(papa joe)

Born May 11, 1885, in New Orleans (some sources say Donaldsville), LA; died April 8, 1938, in Savannah, GA.

Billed as the "World's Greatest Cornetist," Joe "King" Oliver reigned as the premier trumpeter of jazz during the early 1920s. The famed musical mentor of Louis Armstrong, Oliver is perhaps best remembered for bringing the young New Orleans hornman to Chicago in 1922. With Armstrong on second cornet, Oliver performed double-cornet breaks that sent shock waves through the jazz world. Years later, Armstrong paid tribute to his elder, noting, as quoted in the liner notes to King Oliver "Papa Joe" (1926-1928), that "if it had not been for Joe Oliver, jazz would not be what it is today."

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